Friday 20 December 2013

A love note to myself

Today I came across a note I had wrote to myself almost about a year ago now, and my heart was so happy to read the words.

More often than not, we tend to be super hard on ourselves, and put ourselves down. Most of us would never allow others to talk to us the way we talk to ourselves. We have all been there, the days when we seem to overanalyze all aspects of our outer appearances and tend to focus on what we have chosen to see as 'wrong'.

I know I have for sure struggled on the 'self-love' path that I am on, and even though I have come so far, (I mean leaps and bounds here), there are the days that creep back up and I cannot seem to see the good, the parts of me that I do love.

So, back to the letter that I found, a love letter to myself about what I LOVE about who I am. I wrote down the parts of me that I was grateful for, the parts of me that, when not consumed by the fear and the untruths, I actually adore about myself. The words that grace the page of that letter are super personal for me, my Journey to self-love has been exactly that, super personal, but I really want to share the parts of me that I do love. My hope's that as I learn to love myself fully and completely, all day every day, that perhaps you can as well!! These words are here to help me to always remember to focus on my truth, that I am loveable and that all parts of me deserve that love!! The same goes for you, all of you!! So here we go!!

What I love about myself, March 8th, 2013

Earth Angel

My eyes and long eyelashes

My heart, my love 



Fun and playful 


There for others 


The shape of my body, the curve of my back 

My small breasts

Freckles when I get some sun 


Courageous (Journey to self-love takes a lot of that!!)

Funny, young at heart, and an old soul

How I feel after a good hot yoga class

How I feel when I have no makeup on, after a sun-drenched beach day

So there, rather than focus on what I could be better at, or what I could 'change', or what makeup or new dress would make me more 'loveable'( all ego, no truth to any of that B.S.), I have chose to make a real effort to focus on what I am grateful for, and on what makes me, me. I really encourage you to do the same, see how you feel after you drought down a few loveable parts of yourself, even start at one a day.

Really allow yourselves to feel that, and become aware of how wonderful, loveable, and worthy of love you are. We all are!! Lots of love to you today and always!!


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