Monday 3 March 2014

I Am Okay

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The small, beachfront house that has become my home for the next couple of weeks (Dog + house watcher EXTRAORDINAIRE), has allowed me some much needed r & r. Surrounded by a calm and HEALING energy all around me, candle flames dance effortlessly, and I can see the sparkle of Vancouver Island across the ocean. 

Heavenly, I would even say. There are moments of 'Ah Yes, I needed THIS', and then there are moments of, 'I am scared to be alone, and how can I learn to love myself fully, surrounded only by my own company.'

You see, I have never really been alone. For so long, I depended on others to make me happy, and I depended on others to tell me whether I was worthy or not. I had to learn to love myself from the ground up, and I had to really look deep down at a lot of the people who I had depended on for so long. Thankfully, through my JOURNEY to self-love and peace, I naturally grew apart from many of the bonds that were unhealthy. I now had my key people, the ones who have helped me grow to the woman I am now, the wondrous souls who have allowed me to be me, and loved me fully through all the ups and downs. They are the waves that brought me back home. 

And now, here I am, a far far cry from where I have been. Someone who always needed to know others were around, someone who always needed constant reassurance and acceptance from others. I have my cozy clothes on, some chocolate, and a cup of tea, and I am completely alone. And I am okay. 

I am okay. I am okay. I am okay. That phrase needs to be repeated, for my own sake, because I have a full and grateful heart, I have come so far. I can feel down to my very core, that my stay here, at my very own sanctuary, WILL BE PROFOUND. I know I am meant to be here, to heal, to learn to love the company of myself, and to learn to love the SILENCE. To be WITH MYSELF and my heart of hearts. To know that I am enough. Every day, I open myself up more and more to truly BELIEVE that. To let go of the ILLUSION of the one who's unloved. 

I am enough. And you are enough. Exactly as you are. We all are worthy to return to our naturally state of pure love, to come back home, to our true selves. To love, and be completely comfortable as we are. 

The candle flames dance, and every day, my heart opens up to the love that I am, and every day, I learn, and heal a part of me that I had forgotten about for so long, and my soul RADIATES a touch more. 

You are okay. You are loved. You are wondrous. And you are so worthy of all the wonders of the world. 

Love + Peace 


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