Wednesday 16 April 2014

Be Brave

What does bravery mean to you? How do you open yourself up to your courage so that you may leap forward towards abundance? Bravery and courage are usually synonymous with grand gestures and leaps of BLIND FAITH, but bravery and courage can come from some of our smallest acts. And I have found that many of those 'small' acts lead us to greatness, to our HIGHER selves.

Are you brave enough to love yourself? I mean all of you,even the parts you have deemed 'bad'?

Can you muster up enough courage to be fully honest, from a place of love? 

Can you courageously tell those you love, how much they mean to you, on a core level?

Have you been brave enough to look at your own REFLECTION and choose to see beauty, choose to see your truth?

Have you been brave enough to walk away from people, places, and patterns that no longer serve you?

Have you, or can you, courageously, walk your path no matter what others may say, because you know you have been GUIDED by a HIGHER power, by love?

Courage and bravery are parts of us we can PRACTISE every day. Maybe you can choose to love your body fearlessly, even though we are told by the world not to, or maybe you can try a new class, meet new people, or better yet, have the courage to be yourself. How wondrous, how MAGICAL, to be who you are, sounds so small, so easy, but as we know to be yourself can be one of the hardest feats. For me, bravery means to have chosen to see, hear, and FEEL the world around me from a place of love. Courage, for me, can be as small as the courage to breathe the way my body craves, the way that eases my MIND, BODY, and SOUL

How can you honour yourself, and honour your courage and bravery, from a grand gesture to a small step? Remember, even small steps get you to where you are meant to be. Be brave enough to honour, nurture, and love yourselves, above all else, and know you are worth all of your love as much as anyone else. 



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