Monday 30 December 2013

A New Year

2014, wow, where has the past year gone?! The past year has been the most profound for me, ever. 2013, you were BEAUTIFUL on every level. About two years ago now I prayed for peace, for self-love and I prayed to heal. I never could have dreamt of the path that that prayer would eventually take me on. They say we get what we need, not always what we want. Boy oh boy, I got what I needed, and when I look back now, I had gotten what I had wanted as well.

The path to self-love, and to peace, challenged me to my very core. There were days I was unsure how I was supposed to move forward, and days I was so completely lost. And I do not mean, I had a bad day, I mean total chaos, heart-opened, raw, vulnerable, and completely broken. Some days I was unsure how much farther I could go, how much longer I could carry the burden of the sadness I had held onto so closely for all those years. 

I am not broken, me, as a whole, I am NOT broken, however, on the start of my path, I had crumbled,I had cracked, and every part of my soul was ready to break free. I am grateful that I felt broken. The cracked part of me, well lead me to heal, and lead me to my purpose, to real love, to truth.  

We all have a story, each and everyone of us, and what we have planned for ourselves, does not always pan out. I know from every part me, to the deepest part of who I am, that 'God' (Source,Goddess,Angels,UNIVERSE) always knows what we need. That when we choose to open up to that DIVINE love, all those wondrous channels open up for us.

 I look back now at past year, and perhaps even longer, and I know that I chose to fall down. I chose to break, to see myself from the darkest corner of the cave, I chose to go there, because I knew on some level, that that darkness was my way out.

What I found after I confronted my fears, my sorrow, my anger, was LIGHT. I found LOVE and I found SPIRIT. And truth be told, I found myself. Tears surround my eyes now as I type, and I feel so much release. There's always so much more to learn, and I know that my path has only begun, but I also know that I walked through the FIRE of my soul, and I am here. I am here, and I am more at peace than I ever have been. I am aware, and I am STOKED for the Journey ahead of me. 

The path to my True self has not always been easy, but I would not have changed a day of the past year. I had to go through each and every one to get me where I am now. The past year was full of tears,heartfelt talks to loved ones,FORGIVENESS,self-love,laughter, new FRIENDS,lots of yoga,engagements,travels and talks of dreams and peacefulness. The UNIVERSE has connected me to so many awesome people, and has really opened me up to my purpose, to love. 

If you take away any ounce of love from what I have wrote, please know that you have the love and power WITHIN YOU to change your current path. You have to get really honest, and know that you are allowed to be vulnerable, to be raw, to open up the depths of who you are, from a safe place of love, and to allow yourself to take down all those walls you have created. You are wondrous, and you are completely lovely, and you are enough. You are more than worthy to allow yourself the chance to break free, to have all your dreams come true. I pray that you do not allow the ILLUSION of fear to keep you from your truth, to hold you back from the awesome, MAGICAL soul that you are. 

Here's to a New Year, to perhaps a year full of profound change and adventure and love. Be present, grounded, aware and love yourselves always. Happy 2014 to you!!  Here we go,a brand new year. I am ready for you!! 

Love always 

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