Thursday 2 January 2014

The Answers You Seek

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I have thought long and hard about what my message to the world,about what my soul’s purpose was. I have done my best to force the answers to appear, and even try to control the outcome. What I have found’s that the harder I try to come across these profound answers, the further away they appeared, and the further away I became from my truth.
So I surrendered! I opened my heart up to the my source, and I slowly began to learn to trust. I trusted that the answers I seek would come to me when I was ready for them.
One of the most profound answers that came to me was that I had to truly embrace the unknown and to trust the ebbs and flows of my Journey. The changes are constant, and they are pure beauty. To be able to go through complete sorrow and then come through eyes open, and heart open, that to me’s one of the greatest comforts, almost as though someone has wrapped a warm blanket around you and you completely melt from that comfort, from the safeness you feel.
That warm blanket of comfort, the safeness, and the courage to trust, they came to me through MEDITATION.  
I can honestly say that meditation was one of the key factors that saved me and taught me how to love myself. When I actually allowed myself to relax, and to breathe, I was able to reconnect to my true essence. I was able to reconnect to love. The process was not always easy, and took months to really  allow myself to get to that place.
The hardest steps are usually the ones we know we have to or need to take.
Meditation allowed me to go within, and to connect to who I really am. Meditation opened up the space for me to heal, and to let go what no longer served me. Day to day, I have been able to release fear, and to let go of fear based thoughts and doubts that kept me closed off to my soul’s purpose. That kept me closed off to pure, sacred, love and harmony.
Whether you have never meditated before, or whether you do so regularly, the peace and answers you seek are ready for you the moment you allow yourself to open up to them. So start somewhere, start anywhere, allow yourself to reconnect to your truth, and to come through the fog that fear has created for you.
We can always choose love, and can always choose to heal, no matter what we have been through. We all have a story, and we all can create a story of courage,love and trust.
><Post from my former blog><


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