Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Stars + Mother Nature

We tend to spend so much of our days on an endless search for greatness, for wonder, for MAGIC. 
The fantasy, love, wonder, greatness, and MAGIC, they are all around us, and they are so very real. 
I was totally BLISSED out as I took a hot bath, and out my window I could see hundreds of the most spectacular stars. How many days go by and we forget to even look out at those profound stars? I am not sure what made them stand out so much to me at that very moment, but I was really taken aback. 

How wondrous are stars? They hold so much greatness,wonder, and pure MAGIC. For me, they allow me to feel connected to a source greater than myself, and maybe even to my loved ones who have left our world. Beauty, that's what those stars held for me. Maybe we have to learn to really see, or let go of what we are taught to see. We become so accustomed to the BRILLIANCE of the sun, to the ocean waves, to RAIN fall, to fallen snow flakes, and to the stars, that we can take them for granted. Or be so accustomed we do not see what they really are. The beauty and the WISDOM that they carry for us. Mother Nature's a force so powerful and full of love that I know I want to truly see, see the greatness, and the wonder that's all around me. And I have those stars to thank for that nudge back to my truth. 

BEAUTIFUL dreams!!


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