Monday 20 January 2014

Cleanse Those Chakras!!

In today's day and age, we can become overwhelmed much faster and even forget to centre and ground ourselves. I know for me personally, when I feel off balanced at all, and even when I feel awesome, I regularly do a sweet and short Chakra cleanse on myself. 

When I started my self-love Journey, I was GUIDED towards more and more people who taught all you would ever need to know about Chakras. I felt so completely connected to the concept and beauty of our chakras that I wanted to learn as much as I could. A few months ago I enrolled myself IN THE BEAUTIFUL BELINDA DAVIDSON'S 6 month course on WHITE LIGHT  and our chakras played a huge component to the course's overall message. The course was spectacular and I have learnt and grown so much over those few months. Over the next few weeks I plan to do a deeper look at what are chakras are and how they fuel who we are as a whole, though for today I would love to share a short chakra cleanse that you can do wherever and whenever. I do the cleanse regularly, whether I do one as I have a hot bathtub or whether I am completely relaxed in Savasana after my yoga class.  All you need's a few moments to yourself and a relaxed atmosphere.  A short lesson on Chakra's all you need to get yourself started on such a awesome cleanse. 


Chakra 1, ROOT Chakra, Base of your SPINE.
Connected to the colour RED, red as a rose. 

Chakra 2, SACRAL Chakra, Located below your navel,lower abdomen.
The colour connected to your Sacral Chakra's ORANGE, as a sun set. 

Chakra 3, SOLAR PLEXUS, Stomach Area, 
The colour connected to your Solar Plexus's YELLOW, as a sun flower. 

Chakra 4,  HEART Chakra, Your heart and chest area. 
The colour you want to connect to's GREEN, as an emerald. 

Chakra 5, THROAT Chakra, Your throat area.
The colour connected to your Throat Chakra's BLUE, as a blue sky. 

Chakra 6, THIRD EYE Chakra, Located between your eyebrows, centre.
Colour you want to connect to's INDIGO.

Chakra 7, CROWN Chakra,Top of your head, your crown.
Colour to connect to can vary from WHITE and VIOLET.

So, now you have a place to start, a few factors that can really
help you connect to your truth, to balance yourself and feel at peace whenever you choose.

Take a deep,deep breath and centre yourself. 
Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale. 
Take as many deep breaths you need to feel grounded. 
Perhaps even say a mantra to yourself,
'I am here, I am present, I am completely relaxed now.'

Whenever you feel ready,
start at your base Chakra,
your Root Chakra. 
Your Root Chakra's at the base of your SPINE.
And the colour you want to connect to's Red, a red of a rose.
Take a deep breath and set your focus on your Root Chakra. 
Keep your focus there and count from 1-10. 
(You can count from 1-10 as many x as you want or feel GUIDED to)

Once you feel that Chakra open up, connect to the colour Red and see the colour red flow freely and completely as the colour red surrounds your Root Chakra, feed as much red as you feel needed. Trust yourself + trust your body. If you struggle to see colour, that's more than okay, keep focus and cleanse away. Repeat for each Chakra, and take deep, belly breath's as you cleanse. 

There you are, the short example of the cleanse that I love to do whenever I can. Once you have done a few, they become more and more easy, and open up the gateways to love, health, and balance. When we have cleansed and balanced chakra's we are able to see more clearly, to see past fear more effortlessly and are able to connect to a source much greater than ourselves, and thats pretty MIRACULOUS. 

Have an awesome week!!
Love + LIGHT  


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