Thursday 6 February 2014

To Ground Oneself

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We LIVE IN A WORLD that's so consumed by a false sense of Freedom, a false sense of peace. A world that teaches us to look OUTSIDE of ourselves, when the only way to true freedom and peace IS WITHIN. I spent so many years on AUTO-PILOT, and though there were moments of CLARITY, I had not even been grounded WITHIN my body, not even really connected to my soul. Sounds so surreal to me now as I reflect on where I have been and on where I am. When started my Journey to self-love, and my SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, I went and sought a hand to help me through the darker of days, to help me come bacK to my heart and my truth. That hand that the UNIVERSE so perfectly connected me to, was the hand of a man, who has changed me, completely and fully. That man's now someone I am happy to call a dear FRIEND, and truly, my GUIDE, and one of the only teachers I feel taught me matters that well, matter. 

That man, my own personal guru so to speak, taught me many, many lessons. But the one lesson he taught me that I go back to over and over, was to be GROUNDED. I remember the very first day I went and sat down across from my dear FRIEND, and he told me I was not grounded. That I was not presently connected to my truth, and that I was so scared of the present space I had created, that my soul had fled for help. Grounded. To ground oneself. I can honestly say I had never heard the term or even the concept to be grounded, ever, until that day, when he spoke those beautiful words. They changed me, and they continue to change me every day. 

How could I fully LIVE, how could I fully be present, when my soul's not fully connected to my heart, to my body, my TEMPLE, my LIGHT? To ground oneselfs to be blanketed by a handmade quilt of peace, a peace that takes you back to what's real, and allows you to see past fear, see past ILLUSION. 

When I started to fully understand the grandness of the art of being grounded, I was able to focus on what really mattered to me, and I was able to release all of those STORIES we create that never really serve us. As all paths go, yoga, MINDFULNESS,the way we eat, how we create, to learn to be grounded takes PRACTICE. A CONSCIOUS CHOICE you make every day to be grounded, and maybe even moments, an hour here or there. Trust me, when you have been ungrounded for years, a few hours of pure grounded BLISS feels more than enough to start. I now know that every moment I am stressed, or upset, or have created my own sense of chaos, that I am not grounded. There's so much power that comes once you are aware of that, once you know there's a better way, a spectacular,EUPHORIC way. 

So maybe ask yourself, do you feel grounded? Do you feel connected to your souls core purpose, to your heart, and do you feel yourself apart of every ounce of your body, your TEMPLE? Subtle changes, every day, every moment, can completely change the way you see yourself, see your world, and how you connect to both. 

A few ways I love to ground myself are

~ A long walk outdoors, surrounded by nature and my loved ones, or some days alone. 
~ A good hug of a TREE. No really, I hug TREES more often than not.Totally recommend. 
~A barefoot stroll on grass,a sandy beach by the ocean, Feel your body connect to Mother Earth. 
~ Yoga, of course, grounds me to my very core. 
~ MEDITATION, whether you have a few spare moments or an hour, take what you can. 
~ A hot,steamy bath full of Epsom salts and ESSENTIAL OILS. 
~ Have FUN, play, be goofy, and connect to yourself and your loved ones. 
~ Journal,blog, create, however you create, there's total BLISS that comes from that, and you can connect to your heart completely. 
~ Prayer
~ And above all else, breathe you wondrous soul!!

That man I sat across from that day, that open-hearted soul, taught me one of the most valuable lessons I have ever been taught, and I am FOREVER GRATEFUL for the love and KINDNESS he bestowed upon me that day, and every other we have spent UNRAVELLING who I thought I was, and who I thought I had to be. He has helped me every step of the way, to reconnect to my HIGHER self, to my goddess WITHIN. And I hope these words, the concept to ground yourself, to connect to your breathe and your body, serves you and can maybe allow you to connect to your Inner Goddess as well. 

Peace + Love 


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