Monday 17 March 2014

SPRING.. A lullaby of hope

I knew my path was about to change, that I was about to change. That one chapter was about to close, and a new, about to gently start. Warm, and gold sun rays had touched my body, so gently, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MONTHS. I could hear the waves ahead of me, the ebb and flow of the salty water, WHISPERING A LULLABY OF HOPE

THE WIND KISSED MY SKIN AND I SOMEHOW FELT RENEWED.There was an energy all around me, that told me to trust. To feel deeply. To move as the DAFFODILS had when they began to bloom. After a cold,damp, Winter, those spectacular flowers somehow trusted the process of Mother Nature, and knew they would blossom once more. And I wondered, did those DAFFODILS radiate a touch more after every bloom? More and more colourful, peaceful, and open, ready to share all of the beauty and glory that nature had bestowed upon them. I now understood that so many key lessons were all around me, once I chose to see them, once I opened my eyes to the love that was all around me, around all of us. 

And I thought to myself, perhaps one must lose the ground they walk upon, so they may bloom fully, and completely. Maybe, one must reflect, and go deep WITHIN, as the darker days of WINTER'S cold unfolds, and then return as the flowers would, blossomed and full of love. READY TO PROSPER AND DANCE WITH ABUNDANCE. 

WITH renewed hearts and souls, and a welcome to SPRING, may we be GUIDED forward. May we dance and play amongst the ever present beauty that nature has once more unfolded before our eyes. 


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