Friday 27 June 2014

Your Anahata Chakra

Our heart's are so, so, powerful. We all know that. But we don't always go out of our way to connect to that space. Our heart's hold IMMEASURABLE amounts OF BLISS, AND JOY. They hold BEAUTIFUL secrets, and wonder beyond wonder. But they also hold sorrow, and sadness, and our deepest of LONGINGS. And they need our love and focus. They need us to keep them open, to breathe LIFE INTO THEM EVERY DAY. 

The heart's centre governs all of our EMOTIONS, and therefore, truly affects all aspects of our Journey. When we close our hearts, we block the beauty of our prana, of LIFE, of love. Do yourselves a favour and stay open. 

Whether you can connect to your Anahata chakra every day, or once a week, the peace and STILLNESS that comes from that open space cannot be matched. When  your heart beats flawlessly and moves to the natural rhythm of your soul, of your body, you start to attract love and abundance and harmony WITHIN YOUR LIFE.  An open heart, opens you to all of LIFE.  

So, here are my top 5 ways I connect to my heart's space, to my 4th chakra. 

1. Say to yourself, aloud, or WITHIN,' I am open & ready to RECEIVE love. I am open & ready to hear the true beat of my heart. I am open & ready to be fully open-hearted. ' 

2. Breathe. Easy one eh? We forget to more often than not. Take 3 deep, deep, belly breaths, and focus on your heart's centre, and really feel yourself open up to that space, to come back down from your head. 

3. For a sweet & gentle way to re-connect to your Anahata chakra on the run, place your one hand on your heart, and the other on your belly, for even a moment, and feel the BEAUTIFUL beat of your heart dance as your belly RISES up and down. (Feels so good!!)

4. Journal, Journal, Journal!! WRITE THAT SHIT DOWN!! All the good, bad, and ugly. Put all of your sorrows and heartache down on paper, and release them from your BEING. Maybe burn some sage, and cleanse yourself of what does not serve you, of what stops the free flow of your heart's energy. 

5. Love yourself. On the deepest level, yes, love yourself, always, but also love yourself every day. Nurture yourself, follow your BLISS. When we do what we love, and honour ourselves, our hearts feel totally ALIVE. Whether you seek solace WITHIN the warmth of a hot bath, a cup of herbal tea, a long heart to heart talk WITH A BEAUTIFUL SOUL SISTER, or a walk through nature's beauty, honour that, and go that space. 

So, how can you re-connect to your heart's space today? How do you nurture and honour your heart? 

Love + Light to you all, have a wonderful weekend and send some love to that heart of yours, today, and always. That WILD, WILD, HEART OF YOURS. 


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