Thursday 27 March 2014

And Do You Dance?!

What's beneath your surface?! Can you sense that there's a depth to you, a depth so profound, so deep WITHIN, that you have often forgotten the very presence of your soul's FIRE? What LIGHTS you up and causes your heart to explode from complete and utter PASSION and DIVINE energy? That DIVINE energy that courses through your body at every 'awakened' moment. Who are you?! And what do you stand for?! 

What's the essence of the courage that moves you to dance along the waves of your dreams?! And do you dance?! Do you honour your body and the way you yearn to move?! Do you watch your soul SISTERS and brothers from afar as they play amongst the Ocean's JOY? And do you wonder why you have yet to feel the art of surrender?! Why you have yet to feel worthy to play amongst them? Worthy to let go, to dance, to connect, to rest, and to laugh. Do you?

What's the part of you that wants to keep you small? To play safe, to dream small, to settle, to close the door on your truth, on your soul's cry for FREEDOM, and throw the key away? Where does that come from, and how does that make you feel? Can you feel that? The way your breath shortens and your heart burns? Can you locate the part of you that sabotages your true self, and your DIVINE presence?

What's beneath the surface? What's down deep, WITHIN your depths? The answers to who are you, and what do you stand for, they are located WITHIN those depths of your BEING, and can be accessed at any moment. The moment you make a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to say YES TO JOY.

Are you ready to go deep? To actually get to know yourself, who you are the very core of your soul, and to lay down, and get DIRTY, to learn what you stand for? Because once you do, you'll look around and see yourself through brand new eyes, the world through brand new eyes, and what you used to see as dull, now has an ever present sparkle that you cannot deny. When you choose to go beneath the surface, shadow work as some would say, you unleash the very truth of who you are, love. And once you have unleashed love, your soul's FIRE can soar, and you may very well come to hold the very answers you seek. So, who are YOU? And what exactly do you stand for?

>Photo Found on PINTEREST<


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