Wednesday 21 May 2014


I am not always sure whether the path I am IS the best one for me. I mean, I do know, but of course my CONDITIONED self would have me BELIEVE another story completely. And I have found that the moment you can actually the energy of your heart's centre open, when you can feel your soul ALIVE WITHIN YOU, ego comes at you full force, naturally, because ego cannot breathe when you breathe from your soul, from your SPIRIT. 

I spent last weekend at THE I CAN DO IT 2014 conference, hosted by Hay House. I was surrounded by some completely wondrous souls, Dr. Wayne Dyer, CAROLINE MYSS, Robert Holden, NANCY LEVIN, Alex Woodard, ANITA MOORJANI, to name a few!! You could say the weekend was BEAUTIFUL, at the very least. 

I have spent most of my LIFE, IN ALL HONESTY, lost. Whether I had been actually aware of that statement or not. I had spent 23 years on a quest to reconnect to myself, to UNVEIL who I was, not the ego PROJECTED IDEAL of who I was, but me, my SPIRIT, at the depths of my core. There has been a lot of ups, and there has been a lot of downs. But here I am, about to celebrate my 25th year, and I now understand why I AM HERE. I now know that to have been lost, was a great GIFT. 
(Takes some REMINDING every now and then!!) I now know that all of those moments that brought me to my knees, well they were the MOUNTAINS I HAD TO CLIMB, so that I would be able to clearly see THE VIEW THAT AWAITED ME. 

Once the conference was over, I knew I had a lot to reflect on, I knew a lot had been brought to the forefront. And what stood out the most, after almost nearly every speaker, was YES. YES to my path, to my Journey, to the MOUNTAINS I HAVE CLIMBED and to the ones I have yet to embark on. THIS was why I am here. Not only to reconnect to myself, to my BEING, my SPIRIT, but to hold the hands of others who walk the same Journey, of those who have found themselves at the bottom of a MOUNTAIN. 

There's a strong BELIEF that we are all separate, that we have to walk alone, or stay WITHIN OUR DESIGNATED CIRCLES. But we are ONE, we are SO INNATELY connected. We all have our own path that has been created for us, but we can walk together, hold one another up, hold each others hands as we RISE from the ashes. We can be each others greatest healers, and soul lovers.

I looked around at all of the people who were there, all ages, male & female, all walks of life really, and yet we all yearned for the same. We all wanted to know we are loved, that we are worthy, that we have a 'spark of god' WITHIN ourselves. So how could we be separate? I knew as I left Vancouver, and made my way back to my humble ISLAND, that I had to honour my FIRE-LIT SPIRIT, that I had to honour the call that has become so very clear WITHIN me, to fearlessly love myself, and all of those I encounter. I may not have always known what the UNIVERSE had IN STORE for me, but my God,  the truth that LIFE IS SO COMPLETELY BEAUTIFUL, feeds a hunger WITHIN MY SOUL. 


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