Thursday 8 May 2014


I pray, every day, to be cracked completely open, so all of the LIGHT that fuels my very BEING can SHINE upon all those who choose to SEE, who choose to dare, who choose to dream. There's a restless PASSION, an ever GROWING FIRE that LIVES WITHIN me, that must be set free. May I be a vessel of love, of harmony, a seeker of truth. There are many of you who feel as I do, who feel, and who see the REVOLUTION amongst us, a dawn, a new age of a world, no longer separate, but as ONE. There's a GREAT purpose for those of us who have been awakened to the love of who we are, who know we must learn and grow from one another.  As you walk your path to your HIGHER self, you serve us all. Never allow yourself to make you feel small, because you are far greater than you know. Do not close yourself off to that restless PASSION, that ever GROWING FIRE that LIVES WITHIN you, that LIVES WITHIN me. To be cracked open, to SHINE TOGETHER, THAT'S WHERE WE ARE MEANT TO BE. 

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