Tuesday 3 June 2014

Uncharted Waters

What you hold onto, has a hold on you. I honestly amaze myself everyday, the amount of ego based thought patterns I have hung onto for all of these years. That's the funny part of awareness, once you have chosen to no longer turn away from your  ego,  you constantly feel burdened to mend what's 'broken', what's 'cracked'.  But you cannot mend what's not real, an ILLUSION.  So, you can surrender, and openly and WILLINGLY release the untrue story you have hung onto for dear LIFE. 

I truly believe that we will continue to receive the same lesson over and over again until we truly learn the core of the lesson. And my lesson as of late as become very apparent to me.  I know I need to create a space for myself where I can not only be aware of my CONDITIONED thought patterns, but acknowledge them, allow them to be heard, and then to every so gently release them. God knows I want too.  Moment to moment, I can choose to create chaos WITHIN myself, or I can surrender to what I have created. I can choose to not place JUDGEMENTS on myself as I unlearn 24 years of ego based thought patterns. 24 years had been spent searching for who I really was, on a quest to hear my souls song. Well, that's no small task, but I cannot look back now. Not after I have seen the brightness of my TRUTH. Not after I have heard the sweet, sweet melody of the song my soul SINGS so clearly and CONFIDENTLY. 

So, here I am, openly, and WILLINGLY, ready to release my untrue story, the story that has held me back for far too long. And although there's a comfort I have known nestled onto the pages of that story, comfort's not what I am after anymore. I want to feel comfort amongst the uncomfortable, amongst the unknown and uncharted waters of my dreams. 

What you hold onto, has a hold on you, so can you ever so gently acknowledge what has a hold on you? What lessons knock you off your feet? And can you allow those lessons to move you towards your heart's centre, towards your UNCONDITIONED self.  We are not 'broken' or 'cracked', we have only turned away from our TRUE SELVES, from our BEING, from the songs of our souls. So, maybe we can enter these uncharted waters as one, freely, openly, and ready to allow our souls to take centre stage, to take us where we were always meant to be. 

Love + LIGHT 

>Photo Found on PINTEREST<


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