Thursday 16 January 2014

Sweet sweet MAGIC

>Photo by Tessa Barton Photography<

The truth does not always come to us as we may have IMAGINED. Our paths and our soul's purpose do not always come to us the way we would want them to. PATIENCE, that's the key. Add an open-hearted SPIRIT and the truth always comes. And what makes your soul sparkle flows to you naturally. 

The funny part's that for me, the hardest part's to trust that I know my truth. To trust that I am on the path that has been so BEAUTIFULLY created for me. Ego wants us to create endless amounts of B.S. that only detour us from our truth, from our endless love, from the MAGICAL souls that we are. I do my best to remember to connect to my breath, to really feel my breath as I INHALE, and as I EXHALE. So often we forget to breathe, or at least I know I do. And I mean really breathe the sort of breath that centres you, grounds you,connects you to all that serves you and your purpose of love. The sort of breath that allows you to be MINDFUL. 

Sweet, sweet MAGIC. Breathe that sort of breath. 

Our breath, our truth,our soul's sparkle, our SPIRIT, our true purpose, they are all so completely connected. And I feel as though they all come together so wonderfully the moment we choose to trust. Trust that PRIMAL part of us that knows us better than anyone else ever could,that knows what sets our soul's on FIRE. You know you have felt that when all you want to do's shout out to the world YES,I have found what connects and grounds me to JOY.

A JOY that stems from pure,sacred love. 

I have learnt that for me, personally, PATIENCE can save you. When you let go of the need to force outcomes. When you completely surrender to what the UNIVERSE has planned for you. What GOD has planned for you, whatever GOD means to you. Trust. And TRUST that you have been GUIDED to exactly where you are at THIS VERY MOMENT for a reason. Open you heart and trust. Trust your truth. And as always, breathe. Breathe that sweet,sweet MAGICAL breath. 


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